
Discount Bosch NKLB10 NailKiller Auger Bits, 5/8-Inch by 17-Inch, Bulk Online Store

Bosch NKLB10 NailKiller Auger Bits, 5/8-Inch by 17-Inch, Bulk Features

  • Nail Killer Augers - easy in wood, tough on nails
  • Dual cutting edges - Easier nail cutting and balanced drilling
  • Open-Faced Flute - improved chip removal
  • Reinforced tip - withstand repeated nail hits
  • Reamer edge - Improved entry and exit hole quality

Bosch NKLB10 NailKiller Auger Bits, 5/8-Inch by 17-Inch, Bulk Overview

Includes 5/8" x 17" NailKiller Auger Bit - NKLB10 [else][endif] [if

  • Nail Killer Augers - easy in wood, tough on nails
  • Dual cutting edges - Easier nail cutting and balanced drilling
  • Open-Faced Flute - improved chip removal
  • Reinforced tip - withstand repeated nail hits
  • Reamer edge - Improved entry and exit hole quality

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